martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

The importance of meditation

In this video Mother stress the importance of meditation early in the morning, to achieve deepness. Without any doubt those who are going to the deep meditation can found great signs in this video.

1. The inner meditation, "Antarmana", has to focalize in our problems and deficiencies, to first of all be able to overcome them.

2. To achieve deepness is required a rigorous training. It can't be done by the way. ¿Do we really believe that half an hour of meditation is enough to achieve deep meditation? ¿Which penances are we doing to achieve this wonderful state? ¿How is our desire for that?

3. The reason to get catch again and again is that we lack of deepness in our meditation.

4. An example of a right practice to achieve deepness is to get up early in the morning (about 4 o clock), do a small puja of ten minutes, and then meditate sincerely. In the evening do a foot soak and meditate again. This practice will help us during all day. Every day we should be higher and higher.

5. We should be responsible of ourselves, be perfect instruments and have a complete understanding of the vibrations. Only trough the deep meditation all this powers will start blossoming in us. It is important to understand that our sadhana should reach much more intense levels if we really want to achieve what Mother is asking to us.

domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010

The central channel, the way to the deep.

The deepness in Sahaja Yoga has a clear way. Is the central channel, the Sushumna nadi. In this beautiful video Mother explain how to reach the deepness, and some keys of great valor.

1. Is important to understand that the way is the central channel. Only achieving a flow of the energy mainly through this channel, we can achieve the state of deep meditation.

2. The main problems to settle this evolutionary flow is our tendency to take this flow through the left and right channel.

3. This wonderful explanation of our Mother about how this tree channels are build inside ourselves, one around the other, show us the way to favor the flow of energy trough the central channel, and reduce the flow through the left and right channel, by widening this central channel. This widening will reduce the wide of the others two channels, because they are build around it.

4. The basic method to achieve this widening of the central channel is the sincere meditation. Only trough the deep meditation we can wide this channel, and favor the flow of energy trough it. This meditation should be done with reverence, devotion, and with a total understanding of its importance. This is the key of achievement.

5. When trough the deepness in our meditation we can wide the central channel and favor the flow of energy trough it, this same flow keeps the meditative state during all day in a spontaneous and natural way. The same flow keeps our attention alert and awaken, and always inside ourselves. These processes of continuous meditation keep the widening of the central channel more and more.

6. The awakening of the central channel and his widening settle us in a process of higher ascent, where without any doubt we can live without any catch. This is the way of light to our loved Father Sadashiva.

jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

The higher ascent

There is a process of higher ascent. In this process there is only ascent and we don't fall back to our old temptations and problems. In this higher process our attention is permanently in a state of alert. In the moment that the slightest unbalance come to us, we are fully aware of that, and we act according to clear out all the negativity or disturbance.

This state is achieved when we reach deepness in our meditation. Once we get the the state of perfect balance, and we sustain the meditation, then the Samadhi blossom, by which we settle ourselves in this higher ascent.

In this video Mother explain how to reach this state.

1. The first point is to understand that exist a higher ascent.

2. The second point is that this ascent comes from the meditation, sustaining the meditation. This sustenance of the meditation is very important. Just to reach the state of balance and joy in not enough, but we should keep this state for some time to settle ourselves in that.

3. The third point is that to achieve this sustained meditation, is required an attention which is alert and pure. If our attention has the habit to go from one place to another it won't be possible to sustain the meditation in a proper manner.

4. The fourth point as that to achieve the awaken and pure attention, we have to watch the same attention. We have to see all the time where is our attention, and try to take it inside ourselves with concentration. We have to practice the concentration and in this way develop gradually a pure and awaken attention.

5. According to our experience, to awaken the attention and achieve the sustenance of the meditation, is also important our strong and pure desire to achieve this state. If we practice the meditation with the right reverence, and fully aware that this is the only goal of our life, then we'll favor the manifestation of the spiritual experience.

miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

The new step of Sahaja Yoga

In one of the last talks of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, She announce the how will be the new step of Sahaja yoga. In this new step the sahaja yoguis must became real gurus. This step is possible and achievable. In the extract of this talk you can find some codes of this new awakening.

1 The first point to understand is that the state of real guru is achievable. Otherwise; why so much effort from our Mother in our ascent? This state is not only achievable but now is the time for that. Because of that our Mother is assuming this new role.

2 Second point is that to achieve this state we should be in complete balance and without any catch in our system. The vibrations should flow in both hands equally and we have to get the power to help others with these vibrations.

3 Third point is that when we achieve this state it will manifest in ourselves as peace and joy in our lives. Also we'll get the power to spread this joy to others, and remove their problems. We could see this in all the great saints, which just with their presence relive everyone from their sorrows.

4 Fourth point is that we ourselves should see if we are capable of achieving this state. We should decide to go to it, and to do whatever is necessary for that. Actually this is the only meaning of our live, and all the other worries of the world are just of no importance at all.

5 If we are worried about anything we are not in this state. If anytime we get angry for anything we are not in this state. If we go back in our ascent by any chance we are not in this state. If we think ill of anyone, even if this person is wrong, we are not in this state. In this state there's no space available for the negativity. Only love and compassion can flow from such a person. And finally, if we are not in a meditation 24 hours a day we are not in this state.
Are we in this state? Do we want to achieve it? Do we trust in our spirit for that? Let us judge ourselves honestly and give by that the first step to this Divine position.

martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

The meaning of this blog

According to our experience we are realizing that the actual times of Sahaja Yoga are of very great importance. Many sahaja yogis all around the world are having now deeper experiences in their meditation, and are reaching a new dimension in their spiritual awakening. This is the time where our Divine Mother has decide to take a new role in her saguna form, and has stopped her speeches letting us to walk for ourselves in this awakening process. Despite that her saguna form is less active now; her nirguna form is more active than ever. Her energy of Paramchaitanya is extremely active to help us to reach the state where we could be real gurus, with the spirit shining in his complete power.

We have to really be aware of this special time where we have the chance to reach this state of deep meditation. In the last speech of Mother, Guru puja 2008, se announce how will be the next step of Sahaja Yoga. We have to be real gurus. And she explain that this mean not having any ego or superego, not having any catch in any chakra, and feeling the vibrations in both palms continuously.

Have we reached this state? Do we desire to get this state? Do we believe that this state is possible? Do we feel that we are ready to jump to this state? Let us be honest with ourselves and find out our actual state.

This state is possible and is the real state of a sahaja yogi. Is the only state where we could be good instruments for our Divine Mother. Is the only state where we can really enjoy every moment of our live. Is the only state where we can bless the people that are around us, and awaken their spirit trough our own spirit. In this state we are continuously growing in our spirituality.

Once we reach this state we’ll become very powerful and divine instruments. Everyone can understand that one small piece of gold is much more valuable that mountains of straw. In the same way one person that has reach a very deep state of meditation is much more powerful and effective than thousands of people who are in a superficial level. We can see the work of all the saints of the past and the trace they have leave.

We are now in this unique position where all the power of the Divine is ready to help us to reach this state. Our Kundalini is awaken and is also ready to take our awareness deeper and deeper. But the only thing left, to go ahead, is how much we have understood the importance of this time, and how is our desire to reach this state